The integrative holistic therapist will combine their physical therapy, advanced manual therapy, natural health and metaphysical backgrounds with divine intuitive guidance; offering you the opportunity to receive treatment, while becoming aware and learning of physical – structural imbalances, nutritional challenges, possible energy blocks, and mental—emotional patterns which may no longer be serving you. These can relate to or be caused by stress, injury, illness, and/or disease.
Integrated Holistic Therapy combines several manual therapy styles and techniques with aromatherapy and energy rebalancing to release stress and tension, decrease pain and inflammation, increase circulation and respiration, and improve posture, gait, balance and structural alignment.
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) is a protocol designed to correct functional leg length discrepancy by unwinding and releasing connective tissue restrictions in the body. It can improve athletic performance, decrease pain and restore balance and proper alignment throughout the body and mind.
Raindrop Therapy is a powerful yet gentle, non-invasive procedure combining the science of aromatherapy with energy healing techniques to boost the immune system, restore balance to and through the body, while promoting health and vitality.
** This is a 2-hour session, requires use of 2 appointment sessions.
CranialSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that uses light pressure, generally no greater than 5 grams—about the weight of a nickel, to remove restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system; releasing tensions deep in the body therefore relieving pain and dysfunction while improving whole-body health and performance.
Nutritional Education with Muscle Response Testing is an opportunity to look at and discuss food and eating patterns then develop a plan for improved nutrition using muscle response testing and supplementation to support health and create wellness.
Movement Pattern Training focuses on activities that combine proper posture, biomechanics, and energy flow to enhance quality of movement to improve balance, flexibility, mobility, agility, range of motion, and strength.
*** Disclaimer: You must be a member of The Optimal Performance Health & Healing Association, a private member healthcare association, in order to receive all services and benefits. The association does not bill insurance for services rendered, provide reports, treatment plans or diagnostic coding for the purpose of insurance reimbursement.