The Optimal Performance Health and Healing Association

A Private Member Healthcare Association

What is a Private Member Healthcare Association?
A Private Member Healthcare Association (PMHA) is any kind of business or group where healthcare services and participation are limited to members only—and not open to the general public.

Our Private Member Healthcare Association gives us the constitutional right to gather in private, and to practice and receive the type of health care that we choose.

We are constitutionally created under:
The First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution . . . and

  1. Freedom of speech to share information and voice our opinions about anything that concerns us including natural holistic alternatives to drugs, invasive surgery, vaccines, toxic chemicals, unlabeled GMO foods, water quality and anything else that may cause or exacerbate any physical, emotional, mental, medical or psychological concern, condition, disease, disorder or illness of any kind.
  2. Freedom to confidentially assemble with other people of a like mind so we can learn about alternative, complementary, holistic, integrative and natural health, nutrition, therapies and wellness.
  3. Freedom of choice for our own health, nutrition and wellness decisions including any assessments, treatments or interventions.
  4. Freedom of Self-determination based on access to all available information to help us make our own decisions about our own health, life, nutrition, therapies and wellness and that of ourselves, family, pets and dependents.
  5. Freedom of Privacy and all of the inalienable human rights guaranteed to us all by the US Constitution.

By being a member of a private member healthcare association, we have freedoms to serve members with traditional, complementary, alternative, and holistic health, wellness and healing solutions.

To become a member, you will be asked to review and sign a Membership Contract Agreement (see Membership Contract) as well as pay the one time, lifetime charter membership fee (see Fees), which are a legal requirement to join a Private Member Healthcare Association, prior to or at the time of the first session.

The Association does not bill insurance for services rendered. It also does not provide reports, treatment plans or diagnostic coding for the purposes of insurance reimbursement.

The Optimal Performance Health and Healing Association, a private member healthcare association, is committed to the well being, health and healing of the body, mind and spirit.

Our services include:

  • Integrated Holistic Bodywork
  • Kinetic Chain Release
  • Raindrop Therapy
  • CranialSacral Therapy
  • Nutritional Education with Muscle Response Testing
  • Movement Pattern Training

Read more about our services.

*** Disclaimer: You must be a member of The Optimal Performance Health & Healing Association, a private member healthcare association, in order to receive all services and benefits. The association does not bill insurance for services rendered, provide reports, treatment plans or diagnostic coding for the purpose of insurance reimbursement.